




■■原稿形式■■ ■■About a manuscript■■

We will apply just manuscript of data.

 サイズ:タテ 216mm × ヨコ 154mm (A5原寸〔210mm×148mm〕+裁ち切り分・外側各3mm)
 Maniscript Standard : Completion size A5 . 148mm×210mm + add a color on relative position 3mm = maniscription date size 154mm×216mm.
  ※ Keep in 124mm×186mm if sample picture want prited out.
 解像度:グレースケール:600dpi / モノクロ:600dpi(1200dpiでも可)
 Portrsit resolution:Grayscale/bitmap → 600dpi (Approre of 1200dpi bitmap)
 データ形式:psd 又は jpeg
 Keep form : JPEG or PSD
 ※We are not grasp the record of coler maniscript and still planning.
  You may contribute if it charged to glayscale date.
  Maniscript size are same as monoclome page 154mm×216mm. Colormode = "CMYK". Portrsit resolution = 350dpi
 Attention: Integrate the layer if case of PSD date.
 作品タイトルまたは作者名(略称可)にページ数をつけたファイル名にして下さい ※ 例 SoA01.jpg(タイトルskies of Arcadiaの1ページ目)
 Put the title, author (allow an abbreviated),and pages for the file. ※ for example  [Soa01.jpg] =1st page of "Skies of Arcadia" 

Below is a sample of the manuscript comic. Please reference.


□□Regarding text maniscript (novel)□□
 テキストデータで送って下さい(.txt) レイアウトは当方で行います。
 Please send by text data (.txt). We will layout.
 You may send a maniscript made by Illustrator (Kept by EPS).※
  ※Suggested to 124mm×186mm, All words must have out line.
 We would like you to send a text data with monoclome maniscript if you have illustration cut.
 Which include, name of the title, author (handle name), number of text, name of the text file.

□□Regarding photos date (Cosplay etc)□□
 Send us on high resolition date as far as you can (color).
 In some case, it will change monoclome on the fanzine.
 Contributer will allow to send it. If your photos are taken with few people, please ask permission for all people.
 The photos of dimentional molding, makers could allow to contribute.
 データ形式はpsd 又は jpeg でお願いします。
 Keep form : JPEG or PSD
 投稿者名または作品名・キャラクター名(略称可)にページ数をつけたファイル名にして下さい。 ※ 例 Vyse01.jpg(ヴァイスのコスプレ写真の1枚目)
 Put a pagenumber on files which include the author name, or character ( Allow to omit) ※ For example [Vyse01.jpg] = 1st cosplay fhoto of "Vyse"
 If you know the name of event and date, please mention it.
 Person him/her self ( if photos are taken with few people ) all name must be in text data. You and your friends name will appear on the fanzine.


□□About comment□□
 Please send us the comment and cut for comment page with maniscript.
 コメントカットサイズ:4cm×4cmの正方形、モノクロデータのみ、解像度600dpi、JPEG又はPSD ※用意できない場合は、当方で共通の代替カットを用意します。
 Comment cut sizes:4cm×4cm square, only monoclome data, resolution must be 600dpi, JPEG or PSD. ※If you are unable to preparate, we will accommodate same size.
 Regarding comments:Please send us the maniscription data on text about 140 characters.

※English translation has been translated by contributors, and the google translation.
※If there is a mistranslation and obscure part, please contact us. We are also looking for the person who can cooperate with the translation into English.

■■締切・その他■■ ■■Deadline, Etc.■■

 Recruitment Deadline : October 31, 2012
 Manuscript Deadline : November 15, 2012
 Questionnaire Deadline : October 31, 2012

 We'll send one fanzine who have took part in our projet,if you like.
 If you would like to receive, please send us the manuscript with your zip cord, address, and name.
 Even if two or more manuscripts are contributed to you, the number of volumes which we can give is only one volume.
 If you made your manuscript with someone, we'll send it all of them so. Please send us all their zip cord, address and name.
 Arrival of the book may take 1-3 months after issuance. Please acknowledge it.

※English translation has been translated by contributors, and the google translation.
※If there is a mistranslation and obscure part, please contact us. We are also looking for the person who can cooperate with the translation into English.

●●EAL10周年アンケート●● ●●SoAL 10th Anniversary questionnaires●●

Questionnaire is published in the anthology for commemorating the 10th anniversary of "Skies of Arcadia Legends(GameCube version)".
Even if you only played Dreamcast version, can participate.
Recruitment period of the questionnaire is up to 31 October 2012.

アンケートは → こちら(日本語用)
Questionnaire form → Here(English)

From the mail form below and would like the mailing doujinshi carrying the aggregate results of this questionnaires, please contact the shipping address after survey responses.

アンケート回答者専用メールフォーム → こちら
Mailform of survey respondents → Here

The contents of this questionnaire are as follows.

1. ペンネーム(ハンドルネーム)
1. Handle name (Pen name)
  It is the name in the list questionnaire respondents. May also be described together with the text of the reply.

2. 性別
2. Gender

3. 国籍
3. Please write your nationality.

4. エターナルアルカディアを何で知りましたか?
4. How did you know‘Skies of Arcadia'?

5. エターナルアルカディアをどのゲームハードでプレイしましたか? プレイしたゲームハードをお答え下さい。
5. Which type of hardware have you plaied "Skies of Arcadia" ?

6. エターナルアルカディアを遊んでみようと思ったきっかけは?
6. What is the couse that you regarded to plaied "Skies of Arcadia" ?

7. エターナルアルカディアのどこが好きですか?
7. Which part of "Skies of Arcadia" do you prefer ?

8. エターナルアルカディアがこうだったらもっと良かったのに、と思う事がありますか?
8. Are there any parts that you feel bad in the "Skies of Arcadia"?

9. 一番好きなキャラクター。好きな理由も書いて下さい。
9. What's your most favorite character of "Skies of Arcadia"?

10. エターナルアルカディアで二番目に好きなキャラクターを記入して下さい。
10. Please write the name of the second favorite character in the "Skies of Arcadia".

11. エターナルアルカディアで三番目に好きなキャラクターを記入して下さい。
11. Please write the name of the third favorite character in the "Skies of Arcadia".

12. 一番嫌いなキャラクター ※人間以外(フィールド上の敵キャラクターやボスなど)でも結構ですが、別集計になる可能性があります。
12. What's your most hate character of "Skies of Arcadia"?  ※It is also okay non-human characters (such as monsters), may result in a different aggregate.

13. 好きなセリフを一つ上げて下さい。キャラクター名、またはその台詞が出たシーンの詳細も記入して下さい。セリフは正確でなくても可です。
13. What's your favorite line of the game ? Please write the character and the scene with reason.

14. 一番好きなイベント・シーン。一場面のみ。例・ガルシアンとの対決の為、空賊が終結するシーン、など具体的に。
14. What's your favorite scene of the event ? Please write the scene ingetail with your reason.

15. 一番好きな船は?敵船などでも可。
15. What's your faverite ship ?

16. エターナルアルカディアの世界で暮らしてみたいですか?
16. Would you like to live in the world of the ‘Skies of Arcadia' ?

17. 上記の設問で「はい」を選択した方は暮らしてみたい場所・理由などを記入して下さい。
17. Chose "Yes" on question # 16  Please write the one with your reason.

18. ヴァイス・アイカ・ファイナがゲスト出演している「戦場のヴァルキュリア」。プレイしましたか?
18. Have you played ‘the Valkyria Chronicles' within‘Vyse'‘Aika' and‘Fina' before ?

19. エターナルアルカディアの続編を希望しますか?
19. Would you like to play 2nd story of ‘Skies of Arcadia' ?

20. エターナルアルカディアについて、300字程度でご自由に語って下さい!
20. Please write about the Skies of Arcadia on your word.

※English translation has been translated by contributors, and the google translation.
※If there is a mistranslation and obscure part, please contact us. We are also looking for the person who can cooperate with the translation into English.
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